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Spring is in the air

Wow, it has been a long winter, hasn’t it? It seems that we have had endless days of snow, ice, wind and rain, and even now that it is officially spring, the rainy days continue. Even in the midst of the rain, however, we are beginning to see signs of hope! The sun is peaking out behind storm clouds and rain drops. Flowers are breaking through the muddy flower beds. People are preparing their gardens for planting, and every once in awhile, it’s warm enough to venture out without a jacket.

Even though it is still wet and cold, this truly is my favorite time of year! Everything is renewing and opening up. There are a few birds in the sky, and I saw a couple of goslings in the back yard. Bit by bit, the sky is getting bluer, the sun is shining more, and the breeze, while not yet warm, is bringing with it the scents of spring. I also love the lengthening days.

My family is certainly enjoying the changing season. We have been enjoying walks in our neighborhood on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, we’ve broken out the BBQ grill, and we’re doing yard work and spring cleaning to clean away the dust and dampness of winter.

Just when I felt like winter would last forever, I was reminded that seasons change–spring replaces winter, and new life waits just under the melting snow.

What a great reminder of the new life God offers us through Jesus Christ! Just like icy covered trees will soon be budding, and green shoots are peeking through the soil in our flower beds, and caterpillars will soon become butterflies, God is making something new out you and me too. Slowly but surely, God melts our hearts and opens our eyes to the many blessings in our life and, at the same time, the many needs that surround us. God is making all things new, in our world AND in us.

This Easter, pray that God will mold you into something new. Ask for a heart that is receptive to the needs of the poor in our community—eyes to see their pain, hands that are willing to work, and the right words to offer hope, share God’s love, and talk about your faith. This is what it means to be a disciple: to serve the poor, love your neighbor, and share the good news of Jesus Christ.

Enjoy the warmer weather and the signs of Spring, and remember the reason for this— and every—season: Jesus.

Love, Pastor Becca