Please excuse our mess. while we re-design our website.
Welcome to St. Paul’s
United Methodist Church
St. Paul’s invites all people into Christ’s ministry. We welcome everyone into full participation in the life of the congregation regardless of age, gender or gender identity, racial or ethnic background, sexual orientation, economic status, marital status, and physical or mental abilities. We are devoted to the reconciliation of all people as children of God.
We hope you will take the opportunity to visit us soon.
Case counts and deaths from COVID are going down and public health officials think that hospitalization rates have reached their peak for the omicron wave. We are using COVID Act Now data from the Greater Northwest Area of the United Methodist Church which you can access at this website: https://greaternw.org/covid-19-dashboard/
Masks will still be required in Church, even after the Oregon State indoor mask mandate has expired, because a layered approach to public safety still offers the most harm reduction (vaccines + booster + masks + ventilation + distancing). Numbers are better, but people are still getting COVID, and some people are still experiencing long-haul COVID and some people are still dying. Every person who suffers or dies is a beloved child of God, so we will continue to practice neighbor-love by wearing masks indoors.
Other requirements are:
- 6 Feet of Distance is required between households (those you are with routinely).
- NO Singing Indoors.
- Eating and drinking will not be allowed.
For now, when we celebrate Communion, individually packaged juice & wafers will be provided, which you can consume once you leave the building