Greetings to everyone from your Housing Team. This note is designed to give you more details on our housing project progress.
In an attempt to continue our transparency, copies of two very important documents were placed on the tables in John Wesley Hall for you to read. It worked so well that they all disappeared as people took them home to read instead of stopping conversation on Sunday. It turns out that our old-fashioned way of communicating is not efficient. This caused the “idea lightbulb” to illuminate – oh, right – electricity – computer – internet – everyone can get their own copy!!! Welcome to the 21st century.
This brings us to this email and its attachments. You will find two very important and informative documents; ’10 Q responses’ and ‘RFQ response’. The 10 Q are the ten questions your Housing Team presented to Northwest Housing Alternatives, and Dream Development (NHA & Stephen McMurtry i.e. NHA+) for our interview with them. The RFQ response is NHA+’s 20 page response to our RFQ. In this 20 page response everything is not for everyone, BUT, everyone will find something for themselves.
Here is how we got to today: 1 1/2 years of Team research – – – congregation vote to seek a developer – – – six RFQ’s sent to select developers – – – NHA+ response (attached) – – – Team10 Q (attached) – – – fantastic interview – – – today, information in your hands.
We hope these documents give you the details you need and answer any questions you have had. If there are still questions, please give one of your Team members a call.
Your Team, doing the best for our church are; Linda Cook, Irvin Miller, Bonnie and Mike Smiley, Dave Smith, Tim Stockton
Click on the links below to view the documents.
RFQ response, NHA and Dream Dev