A Heart-to-Heart conversation about the State of our Church — sponsored by SP UMC Nominations
Committee & facilitated by Ervin Miller.
Want to know what’s going on at St. Paul’s? This “Kitchen Table Conversation” will be held primarily online on Zoom. If you or someone you know has difficulty connecting online, please let Pastor Marshall or the Church Office know, and we will try to “Buddy Up” those who need help connecting and/or have a “Listening Post” set up at the Church if needed.
The topics at hand will also be previewed during SP’s Governance Board Mtg. on Tues. Nov. 8, all are welcome to join in that preview.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://greaternw.zoom.us/j/97191463889 OR dial from any phone: +1 669 900 6833 OR +1 253 215 8782 When Prompted Enter: Meeting ID: 971 9146 3889 #
This mtg on Nov 13 will be in preparation for St. Paul’s Annual Church Conference at 3PM on Sunday Nov. 20, which will be offered both in person and on ZOOM.