Several times a month, a loyal number of Saints from St. Paul’s join hands for work, camaraderie, and service at the Milwaukie Center. There food is prepared for delivery to MOW (Meals on Wheels) recipients (about 240 meals each day) and to feed the Seniors who arrive at the Center for a hot noon meal.
We set up the dining room, fill the trays for MOW delivery, and assist with serving in the dining room. Meanwhile a most important number of our group – mostly men – are in the kitchen doing the hardest job i.e. washing the pots and pans and running the dishwasher.
We serve the 2nd Thursday and 4th & 5th Wednesdays of each month from 9:30am until about 1:00pm. If you are able to fit one or more days a month into your schedule, or could substitute occasionally, we’d love to have you join us.
Click here to learn more about the Milwaukie Center.