Music Ministry at St. Paul’s
The Sanctuary Choir
A feature of the 10 o’clock worship service from September through mid-June, the Sanctuary Choir performs special anthems along with adding their voices to the congregation singing hymns. Their anthems range the full spectrum of music from jazz to classical so that everyone, at some service, will hear their favorite genre praising God. The individual choir member’s musical talents vary, but the sense of “music as worship” runs deep in each. Membership in the choir is open to all persons who want to share the talents God has given them. The choir rehearses Wednesday evenings (check Calendar).
Special Performances
Beginning in the fall, the Sanctuary Choir is blessed by the appearance of additional voices, musicians, readers, and helpers from the congregation and community as they begin rehearsal for the annual Advent performance. Usually performed on a Sunday Evening prior to Christmas, it has become a necessary tradition for performers and attendees.