Cantata – December 17 @ 7pm
Gospeling the Gospel That's right! We are celebrating the birth of Christ by putting the gospel account of His birth to up-beat and exciting gospel music. The evening's celebration will begin with the Praise Ringers offering the traditional song "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee" followed by an exciting rendition of "Joy to the World". This will set the stage for the Christmas celebration "JOY!" presented by the choir. Composer Joel Raney says, "Joy! tells the story of Christ's birth through six choral anthems in a variety of styles based on both familiar Christmas carols and original material. There are upbeat blues Gospel numbers as well as slower ballads in a gospel groove, plus one Calypso tune." So you can see that you are in for an evening of joyful celebration of Christ's birth. As usual there will be childcare for the evening and cookie fellowship afterwards.
Visualize Your Hope
CHRISMONS - Christ – Monogram Advent is full of Symbols of our Christian Faith. Which Chrismons best represent the hope you hold this Advent, for yourself, our Church and our World? You are welcome to color or decorate ‘your’ Chrismons. For Inspiration read: Isaiah 11:1-12 Angel reminds Christians of the angels who told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus. It can also represent the second coming of Jesus. Butterfly is a symbol for transformation and the immortal soul. Candle both represents that Christians believe Jesus in the Light of the World. Chalice or Cup is a symbol of Christian Communion. It also represents God's forgiveness. Cross symbolizes that Christians believe Jesus Christ died for everyone on a Cross. Crown is the symbol that Jesus in King. It shows that Christians believe Jesus is ruler over heaven and the earth. Dove is the symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit. It also represents the Holy Spirit that appeared as a Dove when Jesus was baptized. Fish is one of the...