503-654-1705 office@stpaulsumc.us

website info – online giving – private

There are two buttons in the media library.  The buttons themselves don’t link to anything.  Instead, the buttons are put on a page or post and a link is inserted for each one.  The link is HUGE.  https://www.eservicepayments.com/cgi-bin/Vanco_ver3.vps?appver3=tYgT1GfNxRUldiimjHMvOSsPy3TkB2e6q81QoJa0avDI7vfWxf7GD2jGKof53LUH2evTpo0mld6BrVzd2nG0pwapIzYIua1_i-72cgFBccc=&ver=3


This button has the link to eserve in it.


online giving