At. St. Paul’s we believe that love is active. Something we do individually and as a community, both in our neighborhood and around the world. Check out a few of the ways we are seeking to love our neighbors and see which one best suits your passions and your gifts!
Due to Covid-19 much of our local and global outreach has been adapted for health and safety.

St. Paul’s local Outreach Missions focus is on helping those in need with an emphasis on hunger. We provide support to the following:
For more information on these Local Outreach Missions, please contact the church office at 503-654-1705.

St. Paul’s reaches out to help globally through:
- UMCOR – United Methodist Committee on Relief Please consider UMCOR when donating toward emergency relief efforts around the world as well as places in the USA impacted by disaster. Your tax-deductible donation can be made through St. Paul’s UMC or directly through the UMCOR website where you can see “the current emergencies” along with ongoing fund drives to help those in need, i.e. “No More Malaria”