503-654-1705 office@stpaulsumc.us

November 27 — Why We Are Doing This

Last Sunday’s all-church gathering resulted in many positives. The largest attendance of the four meetings gave everyone the opportunity to voice our opinions. Many of us were given the opportunity to think more critically, for the first time, about the various parts...

Discussions Continue

Discussions Continue – Good Food Too!! It sure has been wonderful to get together, share a good lunch, and have meaningful conversations about our church these past two weeks. Two Sundays ago we had a stroll down memory lane. We were able to recall and...

Housing Team Update 11/4/2024

Greetings to everyone from your Housing Team. This note is designed to give you more details on our housing project progress. In an attempt to continue our transparency, copies of two very important documents were placed on the tables in John Wesley Hall for you to...