NHA+ Update
As reported by Stephen McMurtrey, here is the information of the current activities of NHA+ on our housing project. Please do not be put off by the length of this article because it will be well worth your time to read and understand.
Over the last couple of months NHA and Dream Development (NHA+) have been working with our design team to understand the capabilities of the St. Paul’s parcel from a developability standpoint. The research we are doing is looking at the St. Paul’s site from three primary layouts:
1A. What possibilities are there for Multifamily Housing on the existing layout with the current zoning? 1B. What would the same possibilities look like if a zone change was made to increase density?
2A. What possibilities are there if the classroom portions of the existing church building and the Tsadaka House were removed with the current zoning? 2B. What would those scenarios look like if the site was to be up-zoned to increase density.
3A. What possibilities are there if all structures were removed and the existing zoning remained the same. 3B. What would those scenarios look like if the site was to be up-zoned?
Some early considerations the design team is looking at that may impact our abilities to develop are: 1. the capacity of the existing sanitary sewer, storm system, and power needs, 2. the amount of the site that may/may not be available due to the culvert and former (current?) wetland designation on the site’s southern border with the neighbors, 3. the City of Milwaukie’s roadway improvement requirements on 60th Avenue, 4. the current parking requirements based on expected occupancy in each scenario listed in paragraph one.
There are many more questions we’re asking as we go along regarding code required setbacks (distance between any site development elements and adjacent structures or property lines) and pedestrian or frontage improvements. We’re having all of this done in-house hoping to save the church and the project some money.
Lastly, both NHA and Dream Development continue to be active with our state housing finance agency, OHCS, which will be the primary funder of the grants and loans we will need. Our activity includes providing feedback and analysis of new policies and procedures.
Similarly, we are working with our state lobbying arm through Housing Oregon to address legislative issues regarding housing at all levels. Though this activity may seem far removed from the St. Paul’s redevelopment, be assured the steps we are advocating now are focused on expanding opportunities for households that will be served on your site.
(Mike) As you have read, with our selection of NHA+, we have enlisted the help of two companies that have vast experience in this area, know much more than we do and understand the questions to ask, and the people to talk to.
As usual, if you have any questions, please contact a housing team member for clarification.(Mike & Bonnie Smiley, Ervin Miller, Linda Cook, Dave Smith, Tim Stockton, and Diane Rheos)